
وبلاگ خبری و عمومی


وبلاگ خبری و عمومی

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      Splitting 5 to 4, Supreme Court Backs Religious Challenge to Cuomo’s Virus Shutdown Order

Justice Amy Coney Barrett played a decisive role in the decision, which took the opposite approach of earlier court rulings related to coronavirus restrictions in California and Nevada.

 barred restrictions on religious services in New York that Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo had imposed to combat the coronavirus.

The vote was 5 to 4, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and the court’s three liberal members in dissent. The order was the first in which the court’s newest member, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, played a decisive role.

The court’s ruling was at odds with earlier ones concerning churches in California and Nevada. In those cases, decided in May and July, the court allowed the states’ governors to restrict attendance at religious services.

The Supreme Court’s membership has changed since then, with Justice Barrett succeeding Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died in September. The vote in the earlier cases was also 5 to 4, but in the opposite direction, with Chief Justice Roberts joining Justice Ginsburg and the other three members of what was then the court’s four-member liberal wing.


In an unsigned opinion, the majority said Mr. Cuomo’s restrictions violated the First Amendment’s protection of the free exercise of religion.

In a concurring opinion, Justice Neil M. Gorsuch said Mr. Cuomo had treated secular activities more favorably than religious ones.


  • samniaso asgari
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A U.S. Record: Two Million New Virus Cases in Two Weeks

For the first time since the coronavirus outbreak hit the United States, the country has added more than one million cases in each of the past two consecutive weeks. Covid deaths, which lag reported cases by weeks, are also at a level not seen since the spring. Some epidemiologists project that the number of deaths in the coming weeks could exceed the spring peak, in spite of improved treatment.

In the past week, the United States added an average of 173,000 new daily cases. If this growth pattern holds, the total number of cases reported for the full month of November is likely to hit 4.5 million. That would be more than double the number of any previous month.

With several days still left in the month, about 3.3 million people in the United States had already tested positive for the coronavirus as of Nov. 23.

North Dakota continues to have the country’s worst outbreak when adjusted for population, a position it has maintained since early September. Almost one in 10 North Dakotans have tested positive for the virus since the outbreak began, a vast majority in the last two months.

But cases there as well as in other parts of the Upper Midwest and Mountain West that drove the initial fall surge have leveled off slightly, while cases are growing on both coasts and in the South and Southwest.

Nearly 2,000 counties across the United States are now recording their worst month in November — nearly five times as many as in October. The maps below show in which month counties saw their biggest caseloads.


  • samniaso asgari
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قوانین رانندگی در کشور های ایتالیا و یونان و قبرس را در این مقاله با هم بررسی می کنیم . 
از هزینه گواهینامه رانندگی در این کشور تا هزینه جریمه رانندگی 

جریمه رانندگی در ایتالیا

هزینه جریمه رانندگی دراین کشور به قدری پایین است که میتوان آن را با کشورهای ایران و ترکیه مقایسه کرد .

واقعا ایتالیا کشور عجیبیست . جریمه کم است اما رانندگی به نسبت منظمی میبینیم از آنطرف به قدری وحشتناک رانندگی میکنند که نمیتوان دقیق گفت رانندگی در این کشور واقعا خوب است و یا بد .

خب میرویم به سراغ جریمه رانندگی به یورو

هزینه جریمه رانندگی در کشور ایتالیا به شرح زیر است ( توجه داشته باشید که اگر در خیابان های این کشور قوانین را نادیده بگیرید به سختی جریمه خواهید شد ) :

  • رانندگی بدون گواهینامه : توقف 3 ماه خودورو + جریمه 400 یورو
  • بیرون انداختن زباله از خودرو : 100 یورو
  • رانندگی با سرعتی بیشتر از حد توصیه شده در شهر : 60 یورو
  • رانندگی با سرعتی بیشتر از حد توصیه شده بیرون از شهر : 40 یورو
  • تصادف ( مقصر ) : 100 یورو + حکم دادگاهی
  • نقص فنی خودرو : 80 یورو
  • نبستن کمربند ایمنی : 20 یورو
  • خراب بودن چراغ ها : 20 یورو

جهت رانندگی ؟

جهت رانندگی در ایتالیا درست مانند ایران است پس به هیچ وجه مشکلی در رانندگی نخواهید داشت .

شرایط گرفتن گواهینامه در ایتالیا

اگر شما دارای گواهینامه معتبر از ایران هستید , میتوانید به اداره کنسولگری مراجعه کرده و ترجمه گواهینامه خود را به آنها نشان داده و مهر تایید به برگه مجوز رانندگی موقت به شما برای رانندگی در ایتالیا داده شود .

البته چشم بر روی هم بگذارید 3 ماه میگذرد و به شما فقط در هر 8 ماه یکبار مجوز موقت میدهند پس سعی کنید اگر در این کشور زندگی میکنید و یا قصد مهاجرت دارید , گواهینامه کشور مدنظرتان را دریافت کنید .

برای گرفتن گواهینامه رانندگی در این کشور مراحلی را باید طی کنید که به ترتیب زیر میباشد ( البته در نظر داشته باشید گرفتن گواهینامه در این کشور زیاد هم آسان نیست )

  • پرداخت هزینه 1500 یورویی
  • آزمایش خون + چشم + سلامت بدن
  • قبولی در امتحان آیین نامه رانندگی + گرفتن مدرک PINK یا همان مدرک صورتی
    • بعد از گرفتن این مدرک میتوانید تا 3 بار امتحان شهری بدهید که در صورتی که رد شوید تمام 3 بار را , مدرک صورتی شما باطل شده و باید از ابتدا شروع به امتحان دادن کنید ( تئوری آیین نامه رانندگی )
  • اقدام برای گرفتن مدرک درجه 1
    • با این مدرک میتوانید تمام کشور های اروپایی را با خودرویتان دور بزنید و لذت ببرید
  • 7 قطعه عکس 6*4
  • قد بالای 150
    • در صورتی که دارای معلولیت و یا قدی کمتر از 145 دارید خیلی راحت تر از افراد عادی آنهم با هزینه بسیار پایین تر به شما گواهینامه میدهند .
  • دارای سن 18 و یا بیشتر

قوانین رانندگی در یونان : 


رانندگی در یونان فکر می کنید چطور باشه ؟ جالبه که وقتی اسم یونان رو می شنویم به یاد مردانی با شمشیر و جنگاوران خشن می افتیم که البته باید به شما بگویم در مورد رانندگی نیز دقیقا همین تصور را میتوان از مردمان یونان داشت .

رانندگی در این کشور را اصلا با رانندگی در اتریش و هلند و … , مقایسه نکنید … .

وقتی در کشور یونان رانندگی می کنید انتظار رعایت قوانین را اصلا نداشته باشید , بهتر است بگوییم اگر دیدید شخصی در این کشور قوانین را به دقت رعایت کرده است شک نکنید که او مثال 1 در برابر 100 است … .

پس تا الان تا حدودی متوجه وخامت اوضاع رانندگی در این کشور شده اید .

جالب است بدانید که دلیل این حجم از بی نظمی فقط به دلیل پایین بودن هزینه جریمه های رانندگی نیست , بلکه به خاطر فرهنگ به شدت ضعیف اجتماعی و اقتصاد بسیار ضعیف است که مردمان این کشور را عصبی کرده و بر روی تمام زندگیشان تاثیر گذاشته است .

اگر فرد آمریکایی هستید سعی کنید با پلاک خودروی خود رانندگی در یونان رو تجربه نکنید چون به شدت دچار دردسر خواهید شد زیرا مردم این کشور دل خوشی از شما ندارند.

در کل قوانین و آیین نامه رانندگی در این کشور به شدت عجیب است که در ادامه بیشتر خواهید خواند و متوجه خواهید شد که دلیل اصلی این حجم از پرخاشگری در رانندگی دقیقا چیست ؟


گواهینامه ایران برای رانندگی در یونان اعتبار دارد ؟

گواهینامه رانندگی ایران در این کشور اعتبار ندارد اما بهتر است این را بدانید که در این کشور حتی گواهینامه بین المللی تحت شرایط بسیار خاص و سخت اعتبار دارد و یا بهتر است بگوییم برای رانندگی در این کشور به سختی می توانید اقدام کنید مگر اینکه بخواهید در این کشور بمانید .

یعنی اقدام به گرفتن گواهینامه رانندگی دائم در این کشور کنید .

شرایط گرفتن گواهینامه در این کشور چیست ؟


شرایط گرفتن گواهینامه رانندگی در یونان

برای گرفتن گواهینامه رانندگی در این کشور باید مراحلی بسیار سخت را بگذرانید .
واقعا برای همه سوال است که چرا رانندگی در این کشور انقدر سخت و پیچیده است .

بیایید ببینیم چگونه می توان در این کشور گواهینامه رانندگی دریافت کرد :

  • پرداخت هزینه 2400 یورویی
  • 9 قطعه عکس
  • برگه اقامت دائم
  • شناسنامه
  • برگه تاییدیه چشم پزشکی
  • برگه تشخیص گروه خونی
  • برگه سلامت بدنی
  • داشتن سن بالاتر از 18+
  • شرکت در جلسه آیین نامه رانندگی
    • 8 جلسه 1 ساعته
  • شرکت در جلسه امتحان عملی
    • 5 جلسه 2 ساعته
  • قبولی در امتحان آیین نامه رانندگی
    • شامل 40 تست
  • قبولی در امتحان شهری
  • آدرس دقیق محل سکونت
  • آدرس کد پستی
  • برگه تاییدیه گذراندن دوران سربازی در این کشور
    • برای آقایان ( در ایران سالها پیش اینگونه بود )

گواهینامه موتور سیکلت

  • موتور سبک
    • هزینه 200 یورویی
  • موتور نیمه سنگین
    • هزینه 500 یورویی
  • موتور سنگین
    • هزینه 800 یورویی

جریمه رانندگی در یونان در چه سطحی است ؟

  • جریمه رانندگی با سرعت بالاتر از حد توصیه شده در شهر : 100 یورو
  • جریمه رانندگی با سرعت بالاتر از حد توصیه شده در اتوبان : 60 یورو
  • جریمه رانندگی در مستی : 500 یورو + توقف خودرو به مدت 3 ماه
  • نبستن کمربند ایمنی : 20 یورو
  • نقص فنی خودرو : 50 یورو
  • خوردن و آشامیدن در حین رانندگی : 30 یورو
  • پرتاب زباله در حین رانندگی : 20 یورو ( زیاد جدی اجرا نمی شود )
  • رانندگی بدون گواهینامه رانندگی : 200 یورو
  • رانندگی بدون بیمه : 200 یورو
  • و …

رانندگی در قبرس , کشوری جزیره ای که از لحاظ امکانات نه خوب است و نه بد و راه ها و شرایط جاده ای متوسطی دارد , درست مانند رانندگی در جزیره کیش خودمان است , با این تفاوت که آب و هوای بسیار خوب و معتدلی نیز دارد .

اگر بخواهیم رانندگی در این کشور را با کشور فنلاند که در مقاله پیش , در باره آن صحبت کرده ایم را مقایسه کنیم و از 20 , نمره ای در نظر بگیریم :

رانندگی در فنلاند 20 و رانندگی در قبرس 9 می باشد .

قبرس کشوری بسیار زیبا و کوچک به شمار می رود که قوانین راهنمایی و رانندگی نیز در این کشور به هیچ وجه سختگیرانه نمی باشد و این یعنی جریمه رانندگی در این کشور به شدت پایین بوده که به همین دلیل قوانین رانندگی در این کشور به خوبی و درستی رعایت نمی شود .

حالا می رویم به سراغ قوانین رانندگی در این کشور .


قوانین کلی رانندگی در این کشور !!

جهت رانندگی در این کشور از سمت مخالف یعنی چپ می باشد , درست برعکس کشور خودمان ایران , برای همین به شما عزیزان توصیه می کنیم حتما قبل از رانندگی با خودروی شخصی خود در این کشور , کمی با دوچرخه در شهر رکاب بزنید .

پلیس راهنمایی و رانندگی در راه ها به شدت کم دیده می شوند که به خودیه خود بسیار خطرناک است .

رانندگی در مستی در این کشور زیاد سختگیرانه نیست برای همین بسیار مراقب باشید .

علائم راهنمایی و رانندگی به زبان یونانی و ترکیه ای و انگلیسی می باشد که مسلما به راحتی می توانید راه های مد نظر خود را پیدا کنید , هرچند به شما پیشنهاد می دهیم که از GPS گوشی همراه خود استفاده کنید تا به اشتباه مسیری را انتخاب نکنید .

در همه جای این کشور دسترسی به اینترنت راحت و آسان می باشد .

جاده ها از سمت شرق به غرب بوده یا بهتر است بگوییم که 80% راه های این کشور این گونه است پس حتما عینک آفتابی خود را همراه داشته باشید .

در کل قوانین رانندگی در کشور قبرس به صورت بین المللی بوده و مشکل خاصی به جز جهت رانندگی نخواهید داشت .

شرایط گرفتن گواهینامه رانندگی در این کشور !!

شرایط گرفتن گواهینامه رانندگی در قبرس بسیار راحت می باشد و اصلا استرس این را نداشته باشید که چه کار باید انجام دهید که در ادامه متوجه حرف ما خواهید شد .

  • پرداخت هزینه ثبت نام گواهینامه رانندگی در این کشور : 800 یورو
  • برگه معاینه چشم
  • برگه آزمایش گروه خونی
  • برگه سلامت ذهنی
    • طبق استاندارد 2020 اروپا
  • اقدام به گرفتن
    • مدرک درجه 1
      • سواری
    • مدرک درجه 2
      • ون و کامیونت
    • مدرک درجه 3
      • ماشین های سنگین و کارخانه ای و صنعتی خاص
  • ارائه کد پستی
  • آدرس دقیق منزل و محل سکونت در قبرس
    • در صورتی که مسافر هستید و می خواهید چند ماه در این کشور رانندگی کنید ارائه مدارک توریستی شما کافیست
  • قبولی در امتحان آیین نامه رانندگی
    • 20 تست
  • قبولی در امتحان شهری – عملی
  • 8 قطعه عکس
  • و شرایط جزیی … .

آیا گواهینامه رانندگی ایران در این کشور اعتبار ؟!

گواهینامه رانندگی ایران در این کشور دارای اعتبار نمی باشد اما اگر گواهینامه رانندگی خود را ترجمه کرده و به کنسولگری این کشور ارائه دهید می توانید با گواهینامه بین اللملی خود در کشور قبرس حدود 3 ماه رانندگی کنید .

اما اگر گواهینامه شما برای یکی از کشور های اتحادیه اروپا باشد می توانید تا 1 سال با همان گواهینامه به راحتی رانندگی کنید .

هزینه جریمه رانندگی در قبرس !

هزینه جریمه رانندگی در کشور قبرس پایین است برای همین است که قوانین رانندگی به درستی اعمال نمی شود .

  • رانندگی با سرعت بالاتر از حد توصیه شده در شهر : 80 یورو
  • رانندگی با سرعت بالاتر از حد توصیه شده خارج از شهر : 50 یورو
  • رانندگی بدون گواهینامه : 500 یورو
  • رانندگی بدون بیمه نامه رانندگی : 200 یورو
  • رانندگی در مستی
    • اگر زیاد مست نباشید فقط جریمه می شوید
      • حدود 200 یورو
  • نبستن کمربند ایمنی 20 یورو
  • نبستن کمربند ایمنی سرنشینان 15 یورو
  • پرتاب زباله به بیرون از خودرو 30 یورو
  • تصادفات رانندگی ( مقصر ) 50 یورو
  • حرکات نمایشی: 100 یورو
  • و …

همین لیست درست در فرانسه 4 برابر حتی بیشتر نیز می باشد .


منبع : وبسایت مرجع رانندگی " گواهیران "




  • samniaso asgari
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Biden Chooses Antony Blinken, Defender of Global Alliances, as Secretary of State


The president-elect is also expected to name Jake Sullivan, another close aide of his, as national security adviser, and Linda Thomas-Greenfield, a 35-year Foreign Service veteran, as his ambassador to the U.N.


WASHINGTON — Antony J. Blinken, a defender of global alliances and President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s closest foreign policy adviser, is expected to be nominated for secretary of state, a job in which he will try to coalesce skeptical international partners into a new competition with China, according to people close to the process.

Mr. Blinken, 58, a former deputy secretary of state under President Barack Obama, began his career at the State Department during the Clinton administration. His extensive foreign policy credentials are expected to help calm American diplomats and global leaders alike after four years of the Trump administration’s ricocheting strategies and nationalist swaggering.

Mr. Biden is also expected to name another close aide, Jake Sullivan, as national security adviser, according to a person familiar with the process. Mr. Sullivan, 43, succeeded Mr. Blinken as Vice President Biden’s national security adviser, and served as the head of policy planning at the State Department under Hillary Clinton, becoming her closest strategic adviser.

Together, Mr. Blinken and Mr. Sullivan, good friends with a common worldview, have become Mr. Biden’s brain trust and often his voice on foreign policy matters. And they led the attack on President Trump’s use of “America First” as a guiding principle, saying it only isolated the United States and created opportunities and vacuums for its adversaries.


  • samniaso asgari
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Transition Highlights: Judge Dismisses Trump Lawsuit in Pennsylvania


Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, a Republican, said that with the dismissal, the president had “exhausted” his legal options in the state. Senator Kelly Loeffler of Georgia is in isolation after testing positive for the coronavirus.

The Trump campaign’s legal efforts to challenge election results in Pennsylvania met with a sharp defeat Saturday night, and some fellow Republicans began to signal their desire to move on, acknowledging that the president had lost both the state and his bid for re-election.

Mr. Trump said in a series of tweets late Saturday that he would continue his effort to overturn the results, including asking state legislatures to intervene on his behalf.

A federal judge’s ruling in Pennsylvania on Saturday night, which dismissed a lawsuit by the Trump campaign that had claimed there were widespread improprieties with mail-in ballots in the state, ended the last major effort to delay the certification of Pennsylvania’s vote results, which is scheduled to take place on Monday.

Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, a Republican, said in a statement released Saturday night that with the decision, President Trump “has exhausted all plausible legal options” to challenge the results in Pennsylvania. He added that the outcome of the challenge and others “confirm that Joe Biden won the 2020 election.”

Mr. Toomey congratulated President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their victory and urged Mr. Trump to “accept the outcome” for his own legacy and “to help unify our country.”

On Twitter, Mr. Trump hit back at Mr. Toomey, calling him “no friend of mine” and said that he would appeal the decision.

In that decision handed down on Saturday, Judge Matthew W. Brann wrote that Mr. Trump’s campaign, which had asked him to effectively disenfranchise nearly seven million voters, should have come to court “armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption” in its efforts to essentially nullify the results of Pennsylvania’s election.

But instead, Judge Brann complained, the Trump campaign provided only “strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations” that were “unsupported by evidence.”

After legal defeats in nearly all of the key swing states — Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona and Wisconsin — Mr. Trump’s path to overturning the results of the election through the courts has all but vanished.

With his chances diminishing, Mr. Trump on Saturday night made his most explicit call yet for state legislatures to intervene with the aim of reversing the result, once again relying on false claims of fraud. “Hopefully the Courts and/or Legislatures will have the COURAGE to do what has to be done to maintain the integrity of our Elections, and the United States of America itself,” he wrote on Twitter.

The Pennsylvania lawsuit, filed on Nov. 9, accused its secretary of state, Kathy Boockvar, and several counties with largely Democratic populations of unfairly handling mail-in ballots, which were used in unprecedented numbers during this year’s election.

The suit claimed that under Ms. Boockvar’s guidance, the Democratic counties gave voters who had submitted mail-in ballots with minor flaws an opportunity to “cure” or fix them while counties with mostly Republican populations did not alert voters about faulty ballots.

That, according to the Trump campaign, violated the equal protections clause of the United States Constitution.

Judge Brann, a former Pennsylvania Republican Party official and a member of the conservative Federalist Society, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, rejected this argument, likening it to Frankenstein’s monster, which, he noted, had been “haphazardly stitched together.” He ruled that the Trump campaign, lacking standing to make the claim, could not prove that it had suffered any harm if some counties, anticipating a deluge of mail-in ballots, helped their voters to file proper ballots while others did not.


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New Pfizer Results: Coronavirus Vaccine Is Safe and 95% Effective


The company said it planned to apply for emergency approval from the Food and Drug Administration “within days.” The drug maker Pfizer said on Wednesday that its coronavirus vaccine was 95 percent effective and had no serious side effects — the first set of complete results from a late-stage vaccine trial as Covid-19 cases skyrocket around the globe.

The data showed that the vaccine prevented mild and severe forms of Covid-19, the company said. And it was 94 percent effective in older adults, who are more vulnerable to developing severe Covid-19 and who do not respond strongly to some types of vaccines.

Pfizer, which developed the vaccine with its partner BioNTech, said the companies planned to apply to the Food and Drug Administration for emergency authorization “within days,” raising hopes that a working vaccine could soon become a reality.

The trial results — less than a year after researchers began working on the vaccine — shattered all speed records for vaccine development, a process that usually takes years.


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Joe Biden tells supporters 'nothing's going to stop us'


President-elect Biden said his transition to the White House is "well under way" in preparation for taking power on 20 January.

President-elect Joe Biden has said Donald Trump's refusal to concede is an "embarrassment", and told his supporters: "Nothing's going to stop us."


Asked if he had a message for Donald Trump, Mr Biden said: "Mr President, I look forward to speaking with you."


He added: "I think it's an embarrassment, the only thing... how can I say this tactfully... I think it will not help the president's legacy."


He said "nothing is going to stop" his administration moving forward and assuming power on 20 January 2021, despite President Donald Trump's refusal to concede the race for the White House.

Mr Biden said that his transition is "well under way" and that he is reviewing potential cabinet picks and other positions.

He referenced telephone calls with six world leaders, including Boris Johnson, saying the response had been "very fulsome and energetic".


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Who’s Going to Tell Him? Republicans Shy From Asking Trump to Concede

 relationships with Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill have mostly fallen into one of two categories: the unbreakable bond with his most ardent followers, who defend him at all costs, and the tenuous, strained alliance with the rest, who share his agenda but often cringe privately at his language and tactics.


Neither group is particularly well suited for the chore of trying to persuade Mr. Trump, who refuses to concede the election, that it is time to step aside — or at the very least, to stop spreading claims about the integrity of the nation’s elections that are contrary to considerable evidence. And there is little chance that Mr. Trump, who has been perplexed and sometimes enraged by the Republican institutionalists who might normally be expected to play such a role, would listen if they did.

The dynamic helps explain why, days after President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. was declared the winner of the election, even Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader, was unwilling to recognize the result. Instead, senators have tiptoed around — or in some cases blindly run past — the reality of Mr. Trump’s loss, and the lack of evidence to suggest widespread election fraud or improprieties that could reverse that result.

“There is no bipartisanship to speak of, in terms of how many members are willing to speak up — and would it matter to him? Would he listen?” said William S. Cohen, a former senator and House member from Maine who was one of the first Republicans to break from his party and support the impeachment of President Richard M. Nixon. “Trump doesn’t care a whit about the House or Senate, and he rules by fear. He still can inflame his supporters — there are 70 million out there. He still carries that fear factor.”


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Election Highlights: Biden Wins Presidency, Calling for End of ‘Grim Era’


Joseph R. Biden Jr. addressed the nation for the first time as president-elect, saying, “This is the time to heal in America.” Kamala Harris is the first woman elected vice president. President Trump has vowed to file legal challenges. WILMINGTON, Del. — Joseph R. Biden Jr. addressed the nation for the first time as president-elect on Saturday night, delivering a message of unity and trying to soothe the extraordinary divisions that defined the last four years in American politics.

“Let this grim era of demonization in America begin to end here and now,” he said.

In remarks before a drive-in audience in Wilmington brimming with longtime friends from Delaware, his home state, he directly appealed to the tens of millions of Americans who backed President Trump’s re-election, seeking to make good on his central campaign promise of bringing the country together.

“For all those of you who voted for President Trump, I understand the disappointment tonight,” Mr. Biden, speaking at the conclusion of his third run for the presidency, said. “I’ve lost a couple times myself. But now, let’s give each other a chance. It’s time to put away the harsh rhetoric, lower the temperature, see each other again, listen to each other again.”

He added, “This is the time to heal in America.”

Mr. Biden’s optimistic speech, flecked with references to faith and American history, came 48 years to the day after he was first elected a senator from Delaware. He spoke from a flag-bedecked stage outside the Chase Center on the Riverfront, an event center near the Christina River, where he invoked themes that shaped his presidential campaign.

The message, as it was throughout the campaign, was rooted more in a sense of values than in an especially ideological viewpoint, an approach that helped him build a broad coalition throughout the campaign but that will be tested in partisan Washington.

Yet Mr. Biden grew impassioned as he insisted that for all of the tensions in the country, Americans still wanted to see their leaders find common ground. He promised to bring steady leadership and experience to meet the staggering crises facing the nation, most prominently the coronavirus.

“What is our mandate?” he said. “I believe it’s this: Americans have called upon us to marshal the forces of decency, the forces of fairness, to marshal the forces of science and the forces of hope in the great battles of our time.”

Senator Kamala Harris, the vice president-elect, spoke first, telling voters that they had chosen “hope and unity, decency, science and, yes, truth.”

She invoked her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, who came to the United States from India at the age of 19, and paid tribute to the women “who throughout our nation’s history have paved the way for this moment tonight.”

“While I may be the first woman in this office, I will not be the last,” she said. “Because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities.”



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Biden, Flipping Michigan and Wisconsin, Says It’s ‘Clear’ He Will Reach 270

The undecided presidential election entered a new phase on Wednesday as former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. was declared the winner of Michigan and Wisconsin, two key swing states that President Trump won four years ago.

With its path to victory narrowing, the Trump campaign said that it would seek a recount in Wisconsin and announced that it had taken legal action seeking to halt the vote count in Michigan, one of a flurry of lawsuits that included joining an action challenging the extension of ballot deadlines in Pennsylvania and filing another seeking to segregate late absentee ballots in Georgia.

The Trump campaign’s string of challenges came as the president found himself with few ways to win the 270 electoral votes needed to be re-elected. By Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Biden was holding slim leads in several key states which, if the trend continues, could propel him to the critical Electoral College threshold and the presidency.

The lingering uncertainty of the 2020 campaign was perhaps unsurprising in an election with record-breaking turnout where most ballots were cast before Election Day but many could not be counted until afterward.

Mr. Trump’s chances of winning a second term depended on his ability to hang on to his leads in states like Georgia and Pennsylvania — where Mr. Biden has been narrowing the gap as vote counting progresses — and on overtaking Mr. Biden in one of the states where he is currently ahead.

With millions of votes yet to be counted across several key states — there is a reason that news organizations and other usually impatient actors were waiting to declare victors — Mr. Biden had narrow leads in Arizona and Nevada. If he can hold those states, the former vice president could win the election even without Pennsylvania, which has long been viewed as a must-have battleground state.

“I’m not here to declare that we’ve won,” Mr. Biden said in a speech Wednesday afternoon in Wilmington, Del., “but I am here to report that when the count is finished, we believe we will be the winners.”

Even before the Wisconsin race was called, the Trump campaign said that it would request a recount. Under Wisconsin law, a recount can be requested if the margin between the top two candidates is less than one percentage point.

Bill Stepien, Mr. Trump’s campaign manager, said in a statement that “the president is well within the threshold to request a recount and we will immediately do so.”

Mr. Stepien later claimed that the Trump campaign had not been given “meaningful access” to several counting locations in Michigan, and that it had a filed suit in the Michigan Court of Claims to halt counting until access was granted. Shortly after that he announced that the campaign would intervene in Pennsylvania. Later in the evening, the campaign said it was filing suit in Georgia seeking to get counties to separate late-arriving ballots from the rest.

Taken together, the legal actions threatened to slow the counting in states where Mr. Trump was projected to lose or in danger of losing.

One source of Mr. Biden’s resilience lies in the nature of the votes still to be counted. Many are mail-in ballots, which favor him because the Democratic Party spent months promoting the message of submitting votes in advance, while Mr. Trump encouraged his voters to turn out on Election Day. And in Pennsylvania, many of the uncounted votes are from populous urban and suburban areas that tend to vote heavily for Democrats.

Four years ago, Michigan provided one of Mr. Trump’s most surprising victories and helped him take back the Northern industrial states that had favored Democrats in presidential elections since the 1990s. In this election, Mr. Trump’s popularity took a serious hit with the coalition of white voters — independents, those who had an unfavorable view of him but supported him anyway, people with and without college educations — that helped secure his win in Michigan in 2016.

Even in Pennsylvania, where Mr. Trump had run up a daunting lead of roughly eight percentage points as of Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Biden had a plausible shot of catching up. Pennsylvania’s secretary of state said there were more than 1.4 million mail-in ballots still to be counted, and those votes are expected to heavily favor Mr. Biden.

Mr. Trump held leads in North Carolina and Georgia, and his campaign expressed hopes that his early Pennsylvania lead could withstand an influx of mail-in ballots for Mr. Biden. Then, if Mr. Trump were able to retake the lead from Mr. Biden in Arizona or Nevada, which has gone Democratic in recent elections, he would have a path to a second term.

Early Wednesday, Mr. Trump prematurely declared victory and said he would petition the Supreme Court to demand a halt to the counting. Mr. Biden urged his supporters — and by implication, Mr. Trump — to show patience and allow the process to play out.


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